Our District Calendar
We’ve included the current district calendar. We will list important events such as school holidays, early release days, and the end of each term here for your reference. Check back frequently to make sure you have all the important dates covered. We don’t want you to miss a thing!
Also, we've included our athletics calendars for the middle school and high school. We encourage our students to attend some of our sporting events. It is always exciting to see how much school spirit our students have!
Our district holds governing board meetings on the first Tuesday of each month. Meetings begin at 6:00 p.m. in the Education Center Board Room located at the district office, 480 North Bisbee. From time to time, the board will call special meetings, which they will announce to the public. We will be sure to post the board meeting agenda in the district office before every meeting. We invite all interested parties to attend.