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Willcox Unified
School District

Get to Know Our Governing Board

We hold our governing board meetings on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the District Education Board Room located at 480 N. Bisbee Avenue. Our meetings are always open to the public, and we invite you to attend. If you would like more information about our board meetings, please contact our board secretary at (520) 384-8607.

Meet Our Members

Homer Hansen
Vice President
480 N. Bisbee Avenue
Willcox, Arizona 85643
(520) 384-8600
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Terri Kibler
480 N. Bisbee Avenue
Willcox, Arizona 85643
(520) 384-8600

Steve Marlatt
480 N. Bisbee Avenue
Willcox, Arizona 85643
(520) 384-8600
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Bill Ryan
480 N. Bisbee Avenue
Willcox, Arizona 85643
(520) 384-8600

Cliff Shipley
480 N. Bisbee Avenue
Willcox, Arizona 85643
(520) 384-8600
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ELA and Math Curriculum Review

As a district, we would like to provide you with the opportunity to review our new ELA and math curriculums prior to adoption. Please visit the SpringBoard website and follow the login instructions below for each curriculum’s materials. For your convenience, these credentials apply to all school members, eliminating the need for multiple access requests.

ELA Materials:

  • State: AZ
  • Username: wusdelademo
  • Password: wusdelademo

Please view the getting started guide for the ELA demo account.

Math Materials:

  • State: AZ
  • Username: wusdmathdemo
  • Password: wusdmathdemo

Please view the getting started guide for the math demo account.

school board candidate pamphlet

The general election for the school board is November 5, 2024. If you would like additional information about dates, qualifications, or filing procedures, please see the attachment below.

Governing Board Policy Manual

We post our board policy manual on The Arizona School Risk Retention Trust, Inc. (the Trust) website. Please use the "District Policy Manual" link below to open the “Model Policy Program” page. Scroll down the list of districts on the left hand side of the page to access the “Willcox District Policy Manual.” If you have any questions, please contact the school office.